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7 Simple Steps to Improve Your Focus and Concentration

7 Simple Steps to Improve Your Focus and Concentration

We’ve all been there. You sit down, ready to crush your to-do list, but before you know it, you're deep into scrolling social media or suddenly very interested in learning to make sourdough bread. 

That important project? Yeah, still untouched. 

Why is it so hard to focus?

With endless distractions – texts, emails, that random YouTube rabbit hole – it feels tougher than ever. And it’s not just in your head. Studies show that our attention spans have decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to just over 8 seconds today.  

(That means even a goldfish can out-focus us...)

The past two decades have thrown us headfirst into the digital age, turning our brains into multitasking machines, but that comes with a cost: it’s harder to concentrate. 

Ready to reclaim your focus? Let’s dive into the simple steps that will help you get back on track. 

1. Clean Up and Optimize Your Workspace

 Let’s start with where you spend your time working or studying. Your environment has a big impact on how well you can focus. Have you ever tried to be productive in a cluttered, noisy room? It's far from the ideal setting for getting things done.

To create a focus-friendly environment, aim for simplicity. 

Woman sitting at desk near window
  • Declutter your space: A clean desk makes it easier to focus. Princeton researchers found that clutter distracts you by competing for your attention, making it more difficult to stay focused. (This includes the 27 extra tabs you have open on your desktop…)
  • Make the most of natural light: Natural light boosts mood and alertness, improving your focus throughout the day. Try moving your desk to a window. If that’s not an option, opt for warm, soft lighting that mimics sunlight to keep your energy levels steady.
  • Choose the right sounds: Pop on some headphones and find an app that has background noise or a focus music playlist to drown out distractions and keep your mind engaged.
  • Add a strategic scent: Try a scented oil diffuser with citrus or peppermint to activate your senses and improve concentration. Bonus, if you’re studying for a test, using the same scent during the exam may help with recalling what you've learned

2. Develop Healthy Sleep Habits

Man sleeping in bed

When it comes to focus, nothing is more important than sleep. A good night’s rest is crucial for brain function, memory retention, and attention span. Research shows getting fewer than seven hours of sleep can lead to a decrease in cognitive performance, making it harder to concentrate on tasks.

Sleep not only recharges your body, but it also helps consolidate memories and process information, setting you up for a more focused day.

Here’s how to improve your sleep for better focus:

  • Keep a regular sleep schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body’s internal clock and improves sleep quality. This keeps you focused and energized all day.
  • Limit screen time before bed: Avoid using devices for at least 30 minutes before sleep to reduce blue light exposure, which can interfere with your body’s ability to produce melatonin. It helps you fall asleep more quickly and experience deeper, more restful sleep.
  • Create a restful sleep environment: Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet to promote optimal sleep quality. A peaceful environment signals your body that it's time to rest, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

3. Fuel Up With Proper Nutrition

What you eat has a direct impact on your ability to focus. Your brain is a high-energy organ, consuming about 20% of your body’s calories. To keep it functioning at its best, you need to fuel it properly.

Here’s how to fuel your brain for focus:

Healthy salad in a bowl

  • Include omega-3-rich foods: Salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds provide essential fats for brain health, improving memory and focus.
  • Eat brain-boosting foods: Leafy greens, berries, and whole grains deliver steady energy to maintain concentration throughout the day.
  • Stay hydrated: Even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function, so keep a water bottle nearby and sip consistently to stay sharp.

4. Move Your Body Regularly

 Woman walking dog on trailPhysical activity doesn’t just benefit your body; it’s also a powerful tool for boosting mental clarity. Even short bursts of exercise can improve cognitive function and enhance focus for several hours after.

Aerobic exercises like walking, running, or cycling are especially effective in boosting focus. These activities promote the growth of new brain cells and enhance the connections between them, leading to better concentration.

Incorporating regular movement into your day doesn’t have to be complicated:

  • Take short, active breaks: A quick walk around the block or stretching session can help reset your brain.
  • Try morning workouts: Starting your day with exercise can set the tone for a more focused and productive day.
  • Practice yoga or tai chi: These forms of exercise combine physical movement with mindfulness, helping to calm the mind and improve focus.

5. Engage in Mindfulness, Nature, and Subtle Movement

 Sometimes, finding focus isn’t about pushing harder, it’s about slowing down and reconnecting with your mind and body. Incorporating mindfulness practices, spending time in nature, and even allowing your hands to stay busy with small movements can help improve concentration and reduce distractions.

Woman stretching her arms while outside
  • Spend time in nature: Just 20 minutes outdoors can reduce mental fatigue and improve focus by lowering stress and clearing mental clutter. Regular fresh air provides a natural reset, helping to refresh your mind and boost productivity.
  • Practice mindfulness and breathwork: Mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing techniques can calm your nervous system, reduce distractions, and improve concentration by increasing oxygen flow and reducing stress.
  • Incorporate small movements: If you’re having trouble focusing during a meeting or presentation, take a lesson from your 3rd-grade nephew – grab a fidget spinner or doodle in a notebook. Keeping your hands busy can actually help your mind stay engaged. 

6. Take breaks to improve long-term focus

While it may seem counterintuitive, taking breaks is actually crucial for maintaining focus. Stepping away from your screen and moving around can also prevent mental fatigue. A quick stretch, a few deep breaths, or even a walk outside can help re-energize you, making it easier to dive back into your work with a clear mind.

There are a few different ways you can use breaks to boost your concentration:

Tomato timer next to computer
  • Time block your tasks: Block time for each project or task and then schedule in your breaks. Knowing you have a rest period right around the corner will make it easier to stay focused for a solid period of time.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique: The Pomodoro Technique, where you work in 25-minute intervals followed by a 5-minute break, is a popular method for breaking tasks into manageable chunks. These short breaks give your brain time to rest and reset, improving your focus and productivity over the long term.
  • Give yourself a reward-based break: Set a goal to complete a task, then reward yourself with a longer break or a treat once it’s done. Whether it’s grabbing coffee or watching your favorite show, this gives you something to look forward to while staying focused.

7. Drink coffee to enhance your concentration

Hands holding a cup of coffee

Ah, coffee. For many of us, it’s more than just a drink—it’s a daily ritual. While coffee sometimes gets blamed for causing jitters or energy crashes, when used mindfully, it’s actually a great tool for boosting focus. Caffeine blocks adenosine, a chemical responsible for making you feel drowsy, which is why it helps you stay alert and awake. Research even shows that moderate caffeine intake (about 2-4 cups a day) can improve memory, mood, and concentration.

The trick? Choose quality coffee. Look for organic, sustainably sourced options that are free from chemicals and retain natural antioxidants. These can give you a smoother energy boost without the crash, and they even support brain health. Plus, coffee that promotes gut health can sharpen your overall mental clarity.

To make sure your cup of coffee works for you: 

  • Time your caffeine intake: Have your first cup mid-morning, when your natural cortisol levels dip, for the most effective energy boost.
  • Stick to moderate amounts: Aim for 1-2 cups of high-quality coffee during your most productive hours to avoid the jitters and get the most out of its focus-enhancing benefits.
  • Consider alternatives: Green tea or matcha can provide a gentler caffeine boost and come with the added bonus of promoting calm alertness, without the crash.

Minimal Changes Lead to Maximum Focus

Man focused on work while sitting at a desk

Improving your focus doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With just a few thoughtful tweaks – whether it’s optimizing your environment, getting enough sleep, or fueling your brain with the right foods – you can set yourself up for better concentration and productivity. It’s all about finding a routine that fits your lifestyle, and once you do, staying focused can become second nature.

The key is to start small. Try one or two strategies – maybe it’s scheduling daily breaks on your calendar or adding some breathwork into your day. Over time, these small changes will add up to big improvements in how you tackle tasks and reach your goals.

So, next time you're feeling scattered or distracted, take a step back, apply one of these focus-boosting techniques, and let us know which one worked best for you! 

Looking for the perfect cup of coffee to help you focus? Grab a bag of our Brain Sustain Light or Dark Roast! We’ve crafted this blend to enhance mental clarity and keep you sharp throughout the day with clean, nutrient-rich ingredients. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

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